SAMURAI Plugin : Display images and text on comments




I made it over a month to easily display original messages, images etc in the comment input part. I opened to the public 4 years ago (2013). I started publishing as WordPress official plug-in on May 10, 2017.

Last Check:WordPress 4.7.4



  • Before introducing the SAMURAI plugin.
    SAMURAI Plugin
  • After introduction of SAMURAI plug-in.
    Text part is not an image, it is a text display.
    SAMURAI Plugin



  1. WordPress [Dashboard] > [Plugins] > [Add new] > Search by [SAMURAI].

  2. Click [Install Now].

  3. Click [Activate].


How to use

  1. WordPress [Dashboard] > [Plugins] > Click [SAMURAI].

  2. The SAMURAI plugin setting screen will be displayed. There are already 7 kinds of samples already. By default, the first checkbox is checked, and the image and text are already displayed on the submit button of the comment.

  3. You can register up to 20 text input parts.
  4. You can add one by clicking the [Add] button.
  5. You can delete one by clicking the [Delete] button.
  6. At the end you click the ‘Update Options’ button. All settings are reflected here. Please do not forget.

  7. Now you can display the HTML you entered text on the comment.

  8. If you want to temporarily stop this function, click on the ‘Display’ checkbox on the top, and click ‘Update Options’ button. This plugin will stop functioning. It has the same function as disabling the plugin.



HTML sample

  1. SAMURAI Plugin : HTML Sample
    You can see various HTML + CSS samples above.



  1. Schedule for the next version:
    1. When an image URL exists in the setting text, a thumbnail image is displayed thereunder.
    2. Minor fixes
      • Change tags.
      • Added ‘ style=”cursor: pointer;” ‘ to the ‘Update Option’ button.
  2. The following are subjects of upgrading all the time.
    • Improve security
    • Support for other languages
    • Support for latest WordPress and operation check
  3. I will receive your opinion.


Entry prohibited elements

For security reasons, the following elements (tags) are forcibly converted and invalidated in order to prevent intrusion of inappropriate text code. Please be careful. It has been supported since version 1.0.5.

  • <?php  ->  <!–?php–
  • <script  ->  <!–script–
  • </script>  ->  <!–/script–>
  • <iframe  ->  <!–iframe–
  • </iframe>  ->  <!–/iframe–>
  • <applet  ->  <!–applet–
  • </applet>  ->  <!–/applet–>


Thank you


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↑ この部分は自作のプラグインでテキスト表示しています。

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